Healthcare Professionals
Western States Pediatric Pulmonary Case Conferences are for Pediatric Pulmonologists and their residents and fellows.
Please contact Amanda Sharpe, BS at for more information.

Taylor Curry, MD
Western States Pediatric Pulmonary Case Conferences are for Pediatric Pulmonologists and their residents and fellows.
Please contact Amanda Sharpe, BS at for more information.
4:30-5:30- Pacific Time
Presentation given by Taylor Curry, MD
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sept. 21, 2022
The Arizona Asthma Coalition provides education and networking for cliniciansand anyone who cares for patients living with asthma and allergies. AAC iscollaborating with Thermo Fisher Scientific in bringing you this free educational opportunity!
This educational activity is designed for practicing pediatric and adult primarycare providers, asthma specialists (pulmonologists and allergists), pediatric and family nurse practitioners, physician assistants, respiratory therapists,pharmacists, nurses, school nurses, quality assurance leaders, case managers, MAs, students, and anyone else involved in the care of people with asthma and allergies.
This will be a virtual event using Microsoft Teams!
Registration Available on the AAC Website
Noon to 1 p.m. Aug. 3, 2022
The Arizona Asthma & Allergy Conference provides education and networking for clinicians and anyone who cares for patients living with asthma and allergies.
Attendees will:
- Gain a better understanding of asthma and allergy management, pharmacology, and asthma devices.
- Gain new insights into clinical care and access to health.
This educational activity is designed for practicing pediatric and adult primary care providers, asthma specialists (pulmonologists and allergists), pediatric and family nurse practitioners, physician assistants, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, nurses, school nurses, quality assurance leaders, case managers,MAs, students, and anyone else involved in the care of people with asthma and allergies.
CMEs and CEUs will be offered for providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses.
7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 5, 2022
This free CME activity will help guide health professionals in the care of severe asthma in children and know when to refer to a pediatric pulmonologist.
- Define severe vs. difficult to treat asthma.
- Describe when a primary care physician should refer to the pediatric pulmonologist.
- Identify when to “go back to the drawing board” to determine if there is an alternative diagnosis for severe asthma.
- Accurately diagnose asthma comorbidities and identify the appropriate treatment for each patient.
- Describe what a multidisciplinary team does to add to the management of severe asthma.
- Identify what biologics are available for asthma and when to use them.
Lauren, Benton, MD UA College of Medicine Pediatrics
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. June 2, 2022