Current Trainees

Photo of Aisha Chavez, PPC Nurse Trainee

Aisha Chavez

Aisha is a doctorate of pediatric nurse practitioner student at the University of Arizona, having previously earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, and a first Bachelor’s Degree in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science with an emphasis in Learning and Memory. Aisha has a love for children and a passion for providing holistic care to children who are medically fragile and complex, as well as advocating for those in underserved populations. In the future, Aisha visualizes a practice where she provides individualized, comprehensive care to her patients and families, and can integrate the knowledge of social justice into her practice to better understand her patients and the community they live in. In her free time, she loves playing the piano, rock climbing, hiking, painting, and trying out new food places.

John Paul (JP) Jarczyk, MD, FAAP

John Paul (JP) Jarczyk, MD, FAAP is currently a Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow at University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson. He worked the previous 5 years as a general pediatrician at El Rio Community Health Center in Tucson. He completed both his medical degree and pediatric residency at UACOM – Tucson.