Amanda Marie Romaine

Former Nurse Trainee

Amanda Romaine Traineeship Year:


  • DNP, BSN


The time I have spent with the Pediatric Pulmonary Center (PPC) as a long-term nursing trainee has been an incredibly valuable part of my doctoral nursing journey. As a pediatric intensive care unit nurse, I had some exposure to the pulmonology specialty; however, I was not at all familiar with the outpatient care of pulmonary disease or the multidisciplinary collaboration that is required for these patients to receive the best care. The educational opportunities provided by the PPC taught me not only about the pathophysiology of different pulmonary diseases, but also about the social and emotional needs of patients and families coping with chronic illness. In each lecture reflection, trainees are required to identify a specific Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Leadership competency, which guided virtual discussions and encouraged us to make connections between our learning and the values required to contribute to MCH leadership.

In attending and presenting at the Making Lifelong Connections conference and participating in the All Centers Family Collaborative, I was able to work closely with other disciplines from PPCs across the country. Attending cystic fibrosis clinics has allowed me to observe and actively participate in the interdisciplinary care of these patients. I am honored and grateful to have been a part of this program and to have learned from and worked with the amazing PPC faculty. I would highly recommend participation in this meaningful program to students in any specialty with an interest in pulmonology and a desire to be involved in interdisciplinary collaboration.

Presentations and Projects