This has been a vital experience of all the elements of working in a clinical setting and in an interactive team as diverse at this CF care team has been. I have never been surrounded by more passionate people from different disciplines, that come together for one common vision. Going into this traineeship, I knew that this placement was going to be different from any other placement I have had. I dove head first into the whirl wind that is the complexity of cystic fibrosis and the medical care that goes with managing a life with cystic fibrosis. It was amazing to also learn how the traineeship partners with the national association of maternal and child health as well. I was able to incorporate these competencies to lectures and into the work that goes on during clinic. There were other opportunities to sit in conferences, meetings and quality improvement sessions that occur periodically. This was important to observe because of how it directly and indirectly impacts services to this population. Being on the inside and a part of the medical system was a new experience for me. I feel that I also became more aware of how the medical system makes decisions that impact the community. It makes a difference in how I personally approach medical care and how I introduce it to other individuals. There is no limit to the amount of skills I have learned in working alongside this team and center. I feel confident in the growth I have made in practicing how to assess clients, document data, conduct research and lead a project. These are all skills I will continue to practice when I move forward in the social work field. I am excited to be able to continue to grow in my own way, after all I have learned. I am grateful for every experience and every interaction. I will never forget the opportunity.