An internship at the Pediatric Pulmonary Center is an educational experience beyond a traditional internship. The weekly lecture topics required during the internship created an opportunity to understand chronic illnesses at a deeper level. The lecture allowed for developing an awareness of the role of interdisciplinary teams in treating chronic illness in youth. The projects completed during the year gave me the opportunity to have hands on experience applying what was taught in the lectures with what was learned in the classroom. For example, one of the projects completed this year was a needs assessment on stock inhalers for the schools in the State of Arizona. The lectures on pediatric allergies, and severe asthma gave me the medical background information to understand the importance of stock inhalers in the school. The class on policy and advocacy provided tools to understanding and influencing political change, along with how these changes affect the individual, or in this case the school. Both of these elements were needed to complete this project.